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Guild Kick List


This is the list of players who have been gKicked by The Holy Crusade. They will under no circumstances be allowed back into the guild, they will not be allowed to run Guild Content such as raids with The Holy Crusade.



Dragonflight Kick List


Name: Vandaria

Alts: Vandapal, Vandasham, Vandelis

Realm: Area 52
Class: Evoker

Date Kicked: 30 May 2023

Discord User: Reina Vandalina#5547

Discord ID: 679919412178190369

Reason: After no-showing to three raids in a row, she was brought to the raid, and benched for performance. This caused her to uninstall. When she came back, she continued her shit sturring campaign in gChat, people generally had enough of it, and she was removed.

Days later she tried to appeal her removal by making up some, actually insane, story about what happened and how it was an abuse of officer power. The fact of the matter is, it wasn't an abuse of officer power. The order to kick her was deligated from the GM, and the chat logs are archived. The story she spun, simply did not occur the way she told it. (Stop lying in your appeals)


Name: Zachai

Alts: Chromiesome, Gillesderaiz

Realm: Area 52
Class: Paladin

Date Kicked: 19 May 2023

Discord User: Zachai#2101

Discord ID: 707085488586227775

Reason: Over the last week of his presence in the Guild he griefed a significant number of keys and Progression Boss pulls by intentionally pulling the boss early because it was "Funny" to him. He was warned for his behavior, after which we found evidence in the log showing that he was actively killing players with mechanics on Prog boss pulls. After discovering this, and after a sea of complaints from guildies about him, he was removed that night.
He filed an appeal to come back into the guild that was denied by the officer team. His appeal included him claiming that the things that everyone observed simply didn't happen while linking logs to fights that are irrelevant to the incidents. A quick check of the actual fights in question confirms the behavior. Gas-lighting is never an ideal way to appeal a ban.  For all intents and purposes, he is considered black-listed.


Name: Lewdlolli

Alts: Bownertown

Realm: Area 52
Class: Blood Elf Demon Hunter

Date Kicked: 4 May 2023

Discord User: Malagore#3997

Discord ID: 219463959613276160

Reason: Lolli (Two L's) : "A shortened version of Lolicon: Noun. Any adult who feels sexual attraction to specifically fictional depictions of characters who’s body proportions closely resemble that of a child regardless of the canonical assigned age."


Classic World of Warcraft Kick List


Name: Purerock

Alts: Purewood

Realm: Pagle
Class: Dwarf Hunter

Date Kicked: 14 August 2021

Discord User: Pure#4906

Discord ID: 501598438756974623

Reason: After refusing to take guidance, arguing with the Raid Leader, and spamming the GM with rage messages mid raid, because he didn't like the strat that THC was using for a boss. Pure took it upon himself to rage to the GM again the next day sending over 1352 words of incoherent nonsense, rage, and insults over Discord. At some point in the process of his man-child meltdown, he stepped over the line and was removed/ banned.


Name: Dwarfmcdad

Alts: Taylortwo

Realm: Pagle
Class: Dwarf Hunter

Date Kicked: 14 August 2021

Discord User: N/A

Discord ID: N/A

Reason: After asking to be a replacement for a Guildie no-show. DwarfMcDad refused to join Discord, couldn't follow any of the mechanics, and treated the run like his own personal carry by refusing to contribute, and AFKing periodically without any warning. This got to the point where he was removed from the run, and later gKicked. It's just too big of an inconvenience for 19 people to stop raiding because one guy's too busy with a pineapple in his ass.


Name: Tyrang

Alts: Unknown

Realm: Pagle
Class: Nightelf Hunter

Date Kicked: 03 July 2021

Discord User: Tyrang#5965

Discord ID: 430248148225622026

Reason: After several weeks of not coming to raid, and even raiding in PuGs during our scheduled raids. When asked, among his given reasons were that he was "Hamstringing himself" by running with us, and that his attendance is based on whether or not he felt like people were putting in work outside of raid. After demanding the GM fix the problem, the GM fixed the problem.


The Black List


These are UNHOLY players who have committed crimes against The Crusade. All who pass them should /spit in their direction.

We do not invite them to our pug raids, guild events, 5-mans, nothing. They have been EXCOMMUNICATED from The Holy Crusade. They have been banned from doing anything with our guild and its members.


Dragonflight Black List


Name: Zachai

Alts: Chromiesome, Gillesderaiz

Realm: Area 52
Class: Paladin

Date Kicked: 19 May 2023

Discord User: Zachai#2101

Discord ID: 707085488586227775

Reason: Over the last week of his presence in the Guild he griefed a significant number of keys and Progression Boss pulls by intentionally pulling the boss early because it was "Funny" to him. He was warned for his behavior, after which we found evidence in the log showing that he was actively killing players with mechanics on Prog boss pulls. After discovering this, and after a sea of complaints from guildies about him, he was removed that night.
He filed an appeal to come back into the guild that was denied by the officer team. For all intents and purposes, he is considered black-listed.


Name: Lewdlolli

Alts: Bownertown

Realm: Area 52
Class: Blood Elf Demon Hunter

Date Kicked: 4 May 2023

Discord User: Malagore#3997

Discord ID: 219463959613276160

Reason: Lolli (Two L's) : "A shortened version of Lolicon: Noun. Any adult who feels sexual attraction to specifically fictional depictions of characters who’s body proportions closely resemble that of a child regardless of the canonical assigned age."


Classic World of Warcraft Black List


Name: Everyone Using Cash Shop Mounts

Realm: Pagle

Date: 28 April 2021

Reason: The cash shop ruins the game, this is not retail. Keep that shit on the ruined version of the game.


Name: Vortec

Alts: Unfortch

Realm: Pagle
Class: Human Paladin

Guild as of Blacklist: None

Date: 30 October 2020

Discord ID: 712885192632696832

Reason: Well known GDKP scamr, stealing over 2.5k gold from a raid in ZG. Completely exiled from any and all server content.


Name: Kadderlee

Realm: Pagle
Class: Human Priest

Guild as of Blacklist: None

Date: 22 Feb 2021

Discord ID: N/A

Reason: Griefing one of our guildies trying to complete the Benediction quest.


Guild Name: <United We Stand>

Realm: Pagle

Date: 11 August 2020

Discord ID: 563667346946916362 (Caccaseno)

Reason: The Guild Master (Caccaseno) attempting to get one of our Guild members frivolously banned by asking his guild to mass report via ticket. They are a trash guild. They ninja loot patterns, lie in their recruitment ads and mistreat their members. If you see them, you need only /spit in their direction.


Name: Gonnhirrim

Realm: Pagle
Class: Dwarf Rogue

Guild as of Blacklist: Small Patatas

Date: 28 July 2020

Discord ID: 157310712492851200

Reason: Scammed our guild members Bnut and Mememaster 16g. They were running him though BRD for HOJ drops. He refused payment after already paying for a few runs. He hearthed from the instance and logged out. (Update: 8/17/2020: Gonnhirrim was found ninja looting in an Ony PuG some of our members we're in, and has been pushed to the top of the page for being a scum bag.)



Name: Silvertop

Realm: Pagle
Class: Night Elf Rogue

Guild as of Blacklist: Endgame

Date: 22 July 2020

Discord ID: 490538836305248266

Reason: Used an engineering item to MC a mob in the spider room of ZG. He used this item to purposely pull nearly the entire room, trying to cause a wipe. He then kept quiet about this misdeed. (Recorded by DrGaming)



Name: Zisk

Realm: Pagle
Class: Mage

Guild as of Blacklist: The Holy Crusade

Date: 31 July 2020

Discord ID: 738265556188397619

Reason: Baby raged during an MC Raid, because it wasn't going fast enough while also being bottom DPS and refusing to follow mechanics. He left the raid early and left the discord. He was subsequently gkicked and will not be allowed back in without authorization of The Director.



Name: Bannen

Realm: Pagle
Class: Warrior?

Guild as of Blacklist: (Unknown)

Date: 08 August 2020

Discord ID: 171798000723558402

Reason: Baby raged, because we couldn't allow him to soft reserve an item. Very toxic, and not welcome to our raids.



Name: Jk

Alts: Rap

Realm: Pagle
Class: Rogue

Guild as of Blacklist: I WEAR A CAPE IRL

Date: 15 Feb 2020

Discord ID: 241782703672786945

Reason: Jk, a no longer active player, griefed an MC a guild member was in. It is thought that the person actually playing the character at the time was Rap, who account shares with Jk. Both have been added to the black list, as they share accounts.


Name: Grimshéépér

Realm: Pagle
Class: Mage

Guild as of Blacklist: Legendary Few

Date: 26 March 2021

Discord ID: N/A

Reason: Guild recruiter for <Legendary Few> whispers guilded players trying to poach them. Whispered more than one of our members attempting to poach.


Name: Blastums

Realm: Pagle
Class: Gnome Mage

Guild as of Blacklist: Intuition

Date: 02 May 2021

Discord ID: n/a

Reason: Toxic


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