Guild Alchemist: Mememaster
Meme's Potion Emporium
- *"You can't handle my strongest potions! No one can!"* -
ITEM: Elixir of the Mongoose
Effect: [+2% crit/+25 AGL]
MATS: Plaguebloom(2) / Mountain Silversage(2)
ITEM: Elixir of Giants
Effect: [+25 STR]
MATS: Sungrass(1) / Gromsblood(1)
ITEM: Greater Stoneshield Potion
Effect: [+2000 armor]
MATS: Stonescale Oil(3) / Thorium Ore(1)
ITEM: Elixir of the Sages
Effect: [+18 INT & Spirit *DOES NOT STACK WITH ARCANE INTEL!!!*]
MATS: Dreamfoil(1) / Plaguebloom(2)
ITEM: Mighty Rage Potion
Effect: [+45 to 75 Rage / +60 STR for 20 sec]
MATS: Gromsblood(3)
ITEM Superior Mana Potion
Effect: [+900 to 1500 Mana]
MATS: Sungrass(2) / Blindweed(2)
ITEM: Arcane Elixir
Effect: [+20 spell dmg for 30 min]
MATS: Blindweed(1) / Goldthorn(1)
ITEM: Magic Resistance Potion
Effect: [+50 resist ALL for 3 min]
MATS: Khadgar's Whisker(1) / Purple Lotus(1)
ITEM: Free Action Potion
Effect: [Immunity to Stun/slows/roots for 30 sec]
MATS: Blackmouth Oil(2) / Stranglekelp(1)
ITEM: Swiftness Potion
Effect: [+50% run speed for 15 sec]
MATS: Swiftthistle(1) / Briarthorn(1)
ITEM: Lesser Invisibility Potion
Effect: [lesser invis for 15 sec]
MATS: Fadeleaf(1) / Wild Steelbloom(1)
ITEM: Invisibility Potion
Effect: [Invisible for 18 sec]
MATS: Ghost Mushroom(1) / Sungrass(1)
ITEM: Major Healing Potion
Effect: [Heals for 1050 to 1750 health]
MATS: Golden Sansam(2) / Mountain SIlversage(1)
ITEM: Greater Shadow Protection Potion
Effect: [Absorbs 1950 to 3250 Shadow dmg]
MATS: Fadeleaf(4) / Grave Moss(4) / Dreamfoil(1)
ITEM: Greater Arcane Protection Potion
Effect: [Absorbs 1950 to 3250 Arcane dmg]
MATS: Dream Dust(1) / Dreamfoil(1)
ITEM: Fire Protection Potion
Effect: [Absorbs 975 to 1625 Fire dmg]
MATS: Small Flame Sac(1) / Firefin Snapper(2)
ITEM: Nature Protection Potion
Effect: [Absorbs 1350 to 2250 Nature dmg]
MATS: Liferoot(1) / Stranglekelp(1)
ITEM: Flask of Distilled Wisdom
Effect: [+2000 maximum mana for 2 hours]
MATS: Dreamfoil(30) / Icecap(10) / Black Lotus(1)
ITEM: Flask of Supreme Power
Effect: [+150 spell dmg for 2 hours]
MATS: Dreamfoil(30) / Mountain Silversage(10) / Black Lotus(1)
ITEM: Greater Fire Protection Potion
Effect: [Absorbs 1950 to 3250 fire dmg]
MATS: 1 Elemental Fire / 1 Dreamfoil
ITEM: Greater Shadow Protection Potion
Effect: [Absorbs 1950 to 3250 Shadow dmg]
MATS: 1 Shadow Oil / 1 Dreamfoil
ITEM: Greater Nature Protection Potion
Effect: [Absorbs 1950 to 3250 Nature dmg]
MATS: 1 Elemental Earth / 1 Dreamfoil
ITEM: Major Mana Potion
Effect: [Restores 1350 to 2250 mana]
MATS: 3 Dreamfoil / 2 Icecap
ITEM: Mageblood Potion
Effect: [ Regenerate 12 mana per 5 sec for 1 hour]
Mats: 1 Dreamfoil / 2 Plaguebloom
Cooking & Fishing
Guild Fisher & Chef: DrCrusader
Doc's Diner
- *"We hook 'em and cook 'em"* -
(Has every recipe)
ITEM: [Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops] (Makes 5)
Effect: [25 Stam (15 Minutes)]
MATS: Hot Spices/Goblin Rocket Fuel/ Deeprock Salt/Chimaerok Tenderloin
ITEM: [Mightfish Steak]
Effect: [10 Stam (10 Minutes)]
MATS: Large Raw Mightfish(1) / Hot Spieces(1) / Soothing Spices(1)
ITEM: [Cooked Glossy Mightfish]
Effect: [10 Stam (10 Minutes)]
MATS: Raw Glossy Mightfish(1) / Soothing Spices(1)
ITEM: [Runn Tum Tuber Surprise]
Effect: [10 Int (10 Minutes)]
MATS: Runn Tum Tuber(1) / Soothing Spices(1)
ITEM: [Smoked Desert Dumplings]
Effect: [20 Strength (15 Minutes)]
MATS: Sandworm Meat(1) / Soothing Spices(1)
MP5 & HP5:
ITEM: [Nightfin Soup]
Effect: [8 MP5 (10 Minutes]
MATS: Raw Nightfin Snapper(1) / Refreshing Spring Water(1)
ITEM: [Sagefish Delight]
Effect: [6 MP5 (15 Minutes]
MATS: Raw Greater Sagefish(1) / Hot Spices(1)
ITEM: [Poached Sunscale Salmon]
Effect: [6 HP5 (10 Minutes]
MATS: Raw Sunscale Salmon(1)
ITEM: [Grilled Squid]
Effect: [10 Agility (10 Minutes)]
MATS: Winter Squid(1) / Soothing Spices(1)
ITEM: [Hot Smoked Bass]
Effect: [10 Spirit (10 Minutes)]
MATS: Raw Summer Bass(1) / Hot Spices(1)
Stam & Spirit:
ITEM: [Spiced Chili Crab]
Effect: [12 Stam & Spirit (15 Minutes)]
MATS: Tender Crab Meat(1) / Hot Spices(1)
ITEM: [Tender Wolf Steak]
Effect: [12 Stam & Spirit (15 Minutes)]
MATS: Tender Wolf Meat(1) / Soothing Spices(1)
ITEM: [Spider Sausage]
Effect: [12 Stam & Spirit (15 Minutes)]
MATS: White Spider Meat(1)
Special Effect:
ITEM: [Dragonbreath Chili]
Effect: [AoE Flame DMG (10 Minutes)]
MATS: Mystery Meat(1) / Small Flame Sac(1) / Hot Spices(1)
ITEM: [Savory Deviate Delight]
Effect: [Random Effect]
MATS: Deviate Fish(1) / Mild Spices(1)
ITEM: [Egg Nog]
Effect: [Holiday Beverage]
MATS: Small Egg(1) / Ice Cold Milk(1) / Holiday Spirits(1) / Holiday Spices(1)
Guild Enchanter: DrCrusader
Doc's Shiny Enhancements
- *"You like that sword? I can make it glow."* -
ITEM: Mighty Rage Potion
Effect: [+45 to 75 Rage / +60 STR for 20 sec]
MATS: Gromsblood(3)
Guild Tailor: Pneumothrax
Pneumo's Big Pimp'n Styles
- *"Pssh you call that a dress?"* -
ITEM: Mighty Rage Potion
Effect: [+45 to 75 Rage / +60 STR for 20 sec]
MATS: Gromsblood(3)
Guild Leatherworker: Nefirtiti
ITEM: Mighty Rage Potion
Effect: [+45 to 75 Rage / +60 STR for 20 sec]
MATS: Gromsblood(3)